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Everything has a sense...
Recreate informal collaboration in remote work condition

Countering social and professional isolation due to telework

The key to success in all your puzzles is communication between staff

A gameplay based on the five senses

We have chosen technologies that will seem magical

Remote working

5 senses


Informal collaboration

The Plegubox 

We are Plegusanko, a group of 4 students. We chose SDG number 3 : Good health and well being. We started from the observation that teleworking employees are socially and professionally isolated. They find it more difficult to bond and collaborate.

You will agree that certain so-called “classic” business habits like lunch breaks and the coffee machine build teams and are often the foundation of long-term success.

Since the Covid-19 crisis, companies have been forced to telework their employees. Many of them continue to use this solution because the current means allow it. This organization was largely democratized during the pandemic

 Our solution comes in the form of a box and is called the Plegubox. Much like a remote escape game, players are forced to collaborate with each other to solve puzzles using objects built into the product. These puzzles will be solved in a precise order / direction, allowing you to accomplish the game's final request, the ultimate puzzle.

The goal of our Box is to bring a new form of interaction and communication between employees within your company. This solution is also valuable at the Human Resources level, because collaboration and communication are two important issues for Onboarding (Welcoming and integrating new employees and interns).

Our product therefore responds directly to a social issue, and ultimately to an economic issue.

                       If you want to know more about the technology :
À propos

The concept

The plegubox is a box to counteract the social and professional isolation caused by teleworking. This box contains objects related to the 5 senses that allow employees to create informal communication. Collaborative work and communication between your employees will be accentuated thanks to the riddles and will thus promote their well-being at work. 




On quotation


Mise en situations

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